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Year | Authors | Title | Journal | URL |
2022 | Greenbaum, G., Dener, E., & Giladi, I. | Limits to the evolution of dispersal kernels under rapid fragmentation | Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 19(188), 20210696 | |
2021 | Ben-Zvi, G., Seifan, M., & Giladi, I. | Ant Guild Identity Determines Seed Fate at the Post-Removal Seed Dispersal Stages of a Desert Perennial | insects, 12(2), 147 | |
2021 | Baubin, C., Farrell, A. M., Št'ovíček, A., Ghazaryan, L., Giladi, I., & Gillor, O. | The Role of Ecosystem Engineers in Shaping the Diversity and Function of Arid Soil Bacterial Communities | Soil, 7(2), 611-637 | |
2021 | Dener, E., Shemesh, H., & Giladi, I. | The Effect of Pollen Source on Seed Traits and Dispersability in the Heterocarpic Annual Crepis Sancta | Journal of Plant Ecology, 14(3), 425-437. | |
2021 | Dener, E., Ovadia, O., Shemesh, H., Altman, A., Chen, S. C., & Giladi, I. | Direct and Indirect Effects of Fragmentation on Seed Dispersal Traits in a Fragmented Agricultural Landscape | Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 309, 107273 | |
2020 | Yogev U., Barnes, A., Giladi, I. and A. Gross. | Potential Environmental Impact Resulting from Biased Fish Sampling in Aquaculture Operations | Science of the total Environments. 107: Article 135630 | |
2020 | Ben Zvi, G., Seifan, M., & Giladi, I. | Reduced Dispersal at Nonexpanding Range Margins: A Matter of Disperser Identity | Ecology and Evolution, 10(11), 4665-4676 | |
2020 | Rotem, G., Giladi, I., Bouskila, A., & Ziv, Y. | Scale-Dependent Correlates of Reptile Communities in Natural Patches within a Fragmented Agroecosystem | Landscape Ecology, 35, 2339-2355 | |
2020 | O’donnell, S., Bulova, S., Caponera, V., Oxman, K., & Giladi, I. | Species Differ in Worker Body Size Effects on Critical thermal Limits in Seed-Harvesting Desert Ants (Messor Ebeninus and M. Arenarius) | Insectes Sociaux, 67, 473-479 | |
2020 | Chen, S. C., & Giladi, I. | Variation in Morphological Traits Affects Dispersal and Seedling Emergence in Dispersive Diaspores of Geropogon Hybridus | American Journal of Botany, 107(3), 436-444 | |
2020 | Giladi, I. and Y. Ziv. | The Efficacy of Species-Area Relationship to indicate Fragmentation Effects Varies with Grain Size and with Heterogeneity | Ecological indicators. 110: Article_#105904 | |
2020 | Muller, C.M., Linke, B., Strickert, M., Ziv, Y., Giladi, I. and Gemeinholzer, B. | Comparative Genomic Analysis of Three Co-Occurring Annual asteraceae Along Micro-Geographical Fragmentation Scenarios | Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics. Article # 125486 | |
2020 | Chen, S. C., Dener, E., Altman, A., Chen, F., & Giladi, I. | Effect of Habitat Fragmentation on Seed Dispersal Ability of a Wind-Dispersed Annual in An Agroecosystem | Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 304, 107138 | |
2019 | Baubin, C., Farrell, A. M., Šťovíček, A., Ghazaryan, L., Giladi, I., & Gillor, O. | Seasonal and Spatial Variability in total and Active Bacterial Communities from Desert Soil | Pedobiologia, 74, 7-14 | |
2019 | Chen, S.C. , Pahlevani, A.H., Malíková, L. Riina, R. Thomson, F.J. and Giladi, I. | Trade-off or Coordination? Correlations Between Ballochorous and Myrmecochorous Phases of Diplochory | Functional Ecology, 33(8), 1469-1479 | |
2019 | Ghazaryan, L., Giladi, I. and O. Gillor. | The Effects of Colicine Production-Rates on Allelopathic interactions in Escherichia Coli Populations | Microorganisms. 7:564 | |
2019 | Snell, R. S., Beckman, N. G., Fricke, E., Loiselle, B. A., Carvalho, C. S., Jones, L. R., & Sullivan, L. L. | Consequences of intraspecific Variation in Seed Dispersal for Plant Demography, Communities, Evolution and Global Change | Aob Plants, 11(4), Plz016 | |
2019 | Levine, N., Ben-Zvi, G., Seifan, M., & Giladi, I. | Investment in Reward by Ant-Dispersed Plants Consistently Selects for Better Partners Along a Geographic Gradient | Annals of Botany Plants, 11(3), Plz027 | |
2019 | Warren, R. J., Elliott, K. J., Giladi, I., King, J. R., & Bradford, M. A. | Field Experiments Show Contradictory Short‐and Long‐Term Myrmecochorous Plant Impacts on Seed‐Dispersing Ants | Ecological Entomology, 44(1), 30-39 | |
2019 | Gavish, Y., Giladi, I., & Ziv, Y. | Partitioning Species and Environmental Diversity in Fragmented Landscapes: Do the Alpha, Beta and Gamma Components Match? | Biodiversity and Conservation, 28(3), 769-786 | |
2018 | Dengler, J., Wagner, V., Dembicz, I., García-Mijangos, I., Naqinezhad, A., Boch, S., Giladi, I., & Janišová, M. | Grassplot–a Database of Multi-Scale Plant Diversity in Palaearctic Grasslands | Phytocoenologia Vol. 48 (2018), Issue 3, 331–347 | |
2018 | Chen, S. C., & Giladi, I. | Allometric Relationships Between Masses of Seed Functional Components | Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 35, 1-7 | |
2017 | Bergholz, K., May, F., Giladi, I., Ristow, M., Ziv, Y., & Jeltsch, F. | Environmental Heterogeneity Drives Fine-Scale Species assembly and Functional Diversity of Annual Plants in a Semi-Arid Environment | Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 24, 138-146 | |
2017 | Bergholz, K., May, F., Ristow, M., Giladi, I., Ziv, Y., & Jeltsch, F. ` | Two Mediterranean Annuals Feature High within-Population Trait Variability and Respond Differently to a Precipitation Gradient | Basic and Applied Ecology, 25, 48-58 | |
2016 | Rotem, G., Gavish, Y., Shacham, B., Giladi, I., Bouskila, A., & Ziv, Y. | Combined Effects of Climatic Gradient and Domestic Livestock Grazing on Reptile Community Structure in a Heterogeneous Agroecosystem | Oecologia, 180(1), 231-242 | |
2014 | Warren, R.J. Ii, Giladi, I, Bradford, M.A. | Competition as a Mechanims Structuring Mutualisms | Journal of Ecology. 102:486-495 | |
2014 | Giladi I., Ziv Y., May F., Ristow, M., and F. Jeltsch. | Scale-Dependent Species-Area and Species-Isolation Relationships – a Review and a Test Study from a Fragmented Semi-Arid Agroecosystem | Journal of Biogeography. 41:1055-1069 | |
2014 | Warren, R.J. Ii and Giladi, I. | Ant-Mediated Seed Dispersal: a Few Ants Benefit Many Plants with Little Reciprocal Gain | Myremecological News. 20:129-140 | |
2014 | Diez, J.M., Giladi I., Warren, R.W. and H.R. Pulliam | Probabilistic and Spatially Variable Niches inferred from Demography | Journal of Ecology. 102:544-554 | |
2013 | Rotem, G. Bouskila, A., Ziv, Y. and Giladi I. | Can Natural Patches in Agricultural Landscapes Serve as Stepping Stones? | Ecology and Environment (in Hebrew). 4(1):73-78 |'bny_qpyzh' |
2013 | Rotem, G., Ziv, Y., Giladi I. and A. Bouskila | Wheat Fields as An Ecological Trap for Reptiles in a Semiarid Agroecosystem | Biological Conservation. 167:349-353 | |
2013 | May, F., Giladi, I., Ristow, M., Ziv, Y. and F. Jeltsch | Plant Functional Trait Respond to interacting Gradients of Precipitation and Habitat Fragmentation. Early View | Perspectives in Plant Population, Ecology, Evolution and Systematics | |
2013 | May, F., Giladi, I., Ristow, M., Ziv, Y. and F. Jeltsch | Metacommunity, Mainland-Island System or Island Communities? – assessing the Regional Dynamics of Plant Communities in a Fragmented Landscape | Ecography.36:842-853 | |
2013 | Giladi, I; Segoli, M.; Ungar, E.D. | Shrubs and Herbaceous Seed Flow in a Semiarid Landscape: Dual Functioning as Trap and Barrier | Journal of Ecology. 101:97-106 | |
2012 | Segoli, M., Ungar, E.D., Giladi, I., Arnon, A. and M. Shachak | Untangling the Positive and Negative Effects of Shrubs on Herbaceous Vegetation in Drylands | Landscape Ecology. 27:899-910 | |
2012 | Warren, R.J. Ii, Giladi, I, Bradford, M.A. | Environmental Heterogeneity and Interspecific Interactions Influence Nest Occupancy By Key Seed-Dispersing Ants | Environmental Entomology. 41:463-468 | |
2012 | May, F., Giladi, I. Ziv, Y. and F. Jeltsch | Dispersal and Diversity – Unifying Scale-Dependent Relationships within the Neutral theory | Oikos. 121:942-951 | |
2012 | Canner, J.E., Dunn,R.R. Giladi, I., Gross. K. | Redispersal of seeds by a keystone ant augments the spread of common wildflowers | Acta Oecologica. 40:31-39 | |
2011 | Giladi I., Ziv Y., May F. and F. Jeltsch | Scale-Dependent Determinants of Plant Species Richness in a Semiarid Fragmented Agroecosystem | Journal of Vegetation Science. 22:983-996 | |
2010 | Warren, R.J. Ii, Giladi, I, Bradford, M.A. | Ant-Mediated Seed Dispersal Does Not Facilitate Niche Expansion | Journal of Ecology. 98:1178-1185 | |
2009 | Smith, C.A.; Giladi I.; Lee, Y.S. | A Reanalysis of Competing Hypotheses for the Spread of the California Sea Otter | Ecology. 90(9):2503-2512 | |
2009 | Ness, J.H., Morin, D.F., Giladi, I. | Uncommon Specialization in a Mutualism Between Temperate Herbaceous Plant Guild and An Ant: Are Aphaenogaster Ants Keystone Mutualists? | Oikos. 118:1793-1804 | |
2009 | Gillor, O.; Giladi, I.; Riley, M.A. | Persistence of Colicinogenic Escherichia Coli in the Mouse Gastrointestinal Tract | Bmc Microbiology. 9:165 | |
2008 | Avgar, T., Giladi, I., Nathan, R. | Linking Traits of foraging Animals to Spatial Patterns of Plants: Social and Solitary Ants Generate Opposing Patterns of Surviving Seeds | Ecology Letters. 11:224-234 | |
2007 | Giladi, I; Segoli, M.; Ungar, E.D. | The Effect of Shrubs on the Seed Rain of Annuals in a Semiarid Landscape | Israeli Journal of Plant Sciences. 55:83-92 | |
2006 | Giladi, I. | Choosing Benefits or Partners: a Review of the Evidence for the Evolution of Myrmecochory | Oikos. 112:481-492 | |
1999 | Giladi, I.; Pinshow, B. | Evaporative and Excretory Water Loss During Free Flight in Pigeons | Journal of Comparative Physiology B-Biochemical Systemic and Environmental Physiology, 169:4-5: 311-318 | |
1997 | Giladi, I.; Goldstein, D.L.; Pinshow B.; Gerstberger R. | Renal Function and Plasma Levels of Arginine Vasotocin During Free Flight in Pigeons | Journal of Experimental Biology. 200:24:3203-3211 | |
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