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Werner, Y.L., S.D. Shawn, D. Safford, M. Seifan and J.C. Saunders. (2005). Effects of age and size in the ears of Gekkonomorph lizards: middle-ear morphology with evolutionary implications. Anatomical Record Part A – Discoveries in Molecular, Cellular and Evolutionary Biology, 283:212-223.
Seifan, M., R. Kadmon. 2006. Indirect effects of cattle grazing on shrub spatial pattern in a Mediterranean scrub community. Basic and Applied Ecology 7: 496-506.
Brooker, R.B., Maestre F.T., Callaway R.M., Lortie C.L., Cabieres L.A., Kunstler G., Liancourt P., Tielbörger K., Travis J.M.J., Anthelme F., Armas C., Coll L., Crocket E., Delzon S., Forey E., Kikvidze Z., Olofsson J., Pugnaire F, Quiroz C.L., Saccone P., Schiffers K., Seifan M., Touzard B.,R. Michalet. 2008. Facilitation in plant communities: the past, the present and the future. Journal of Ecology 96: 18-34.
Werner, Y.L., Montgomery L.G., Seifan M., J.C. Saunders. 2008. Effects of age and size in the ears of gekkotan lizards: auditory sensitivity, its determinants and new insights into tetrapod middle-ear function. Pflugers Archivs – European Journal of Physiology 456:951-967.
Seifan M., Gilad A., Klass K., Y.L. Werner. 2009. Ontogenetically stable dimorphism in a lacertid lizard (Acanthodactylus boskianus) with tests of methodology and comments on life-history. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 97:275-288.
Werner, Y.L., Pylka J., Schneider H., Seifan M., Walkowiak W., U. Werner-Reiss. 2009. Function of the sexually dimorphic ear of the American bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana: brief review and new insight. Journal of Experimental Biology 212:2204-2214.
Seifan M. 2009. Long-term effects of anthropogenic activities on semi-arid sand dunes. Journal of Arid Environments 73:332-337.
Esfeld, K., Koch M.A., van der Niet T., Seifan M., M. Thiv. 2009 Little interspecific pollen transfer despite overlap in pollinators between sympatric Aeonium (Crassulaceae) species pairs. Flora 204: 709-717.
Seifan M., Seifan T., Ariza C., K. Tielbörger. 2010. Facilitating an importance index. Journal of Ecology 98: 356-361.
Seifan M., Tielbörger K., R. Kadmon. 2010. Direct and indirect interactions among plants explain counterintuitive positive drought effects on an eastern Mediterranean shrub species. Oikos 119:1601-1609.
Seifan M., Schloz-Murer D., Seifan T., K. Tielbörger. 2010 Contribution of molehill disturbances to grassland community composition along a productivity gradient. Acta Oecologica 36: 569-577.
Seifan M., Seifan T., Jeltsch F., K. Tielbörger. 2012. Combined disturbances and the role of their spatial and temporal properties in shaping community structure. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics (PPEES) 14:217-229.
Wantzen K.M., Couto E.G., Mund E., Amorim R.S.S., Siqueira A. Tielbörger K., M. Seifan. 2012. Soil carbon stocks in stream valley ecosystems in the Brazilian Cerrado agroscape. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 151:70-79.
Di Lellis M.A., Seifan M., S. Troschinski, C. Mazzia, Y. Capowiez, R. Triebskorn, H.R. Köhler. 2012. Solar radiation stress in climbing snails: behavioural and intrinsic features define the Hsp70 level in natural populations of Xeropicta derbentina (Pulmonata). Cell stress and Chaperones 17:717-727.
Triebskorn R, Amler A, Blaha L, Gallert C, Giebner S, Güde H, Henneberg H, Hess S, Hetzenauer H, Jedele K, Jung R-M, Kneipp S, Köhler H-R, Krais S, Kuch B, Lange C, Löffler H, Maier D, Metzger J, Müller M, Oehlmann J, Osterauer R, Peschke K, Raizner J, Rey P, Rault M, Richter D, Sacher F, Scheurer M, Schneider-Rapp J, Seifan M., Spieth M, Vogel H-J, Weyhmüller M, Winter J., K. Wurm 2013. SchussenAktivplus: reduction of micropollutants and of potentially pathogenic bacteria for further water quality improvement of the river Schussen, a tributary of Lake Constance, Germany. Environmental Sciences Europe 25:2
Köhler H-R, Schultz C, Scheil AE, Triebskorn R, Seifan M., M.A. Di Lellis 2013. Historic data analysis reveals ambient temperature as a source of phenotypic variation in populations of the land snail Theba pisana. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 109: 241-256.
Hanoteaux S., Tielbörger K., M. Seifan 2013. Effects of spatial patterns on the pollination success of a less attractive species. Oikos 122: 867-880.
Seifan M., Seifan T., Schiffers K., Jeltsch F., K. Tielbörger. 2013. Beyond the competition-colonization tradeoff – linking multiple trait response to disturbance characteristics. The American Naturalist 181:151-160.
Qu H.C., Seifan T., Tielbörger T., M. Seifan. 2013. A spatially explicit agent-based simulation platform for investigating effects of shared pollination service on ecological communities. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 37: 107-104.
Brooker R., Kikvidze Z., Kunstler G., Liancourt P., M. Seifan. 2013. The concept and measurement of importance: a comment on Rees et al. 2012. Journal of Ecology 101: 1369-1378.
Seifan, M., Hoch E.M., S. Hanoteaux, K. Tielbörger. 2014. The outcome of shared pollination services is affected by the density and spatial pattern of as attractive neighbor. Journal of Ecology 102:953-962.
Rysavy A., M. Seifan, M. Sternberg, K. Tielbörrger. 2014. Shrub seedling survival under climate change – comparing natural and experimental rainfall gradients. Journal of Arid Environments 111:14-21.
Joshi S., Gruntman M., Bilton M., Seifan M., K. Tielbörrger. 2015. A comprehensive test of evolutionarily increased competitive ability in a highly invasive plant species. Annals of Botany. 114: 1761-1768.
Seifan T., and M. Seifan. 2015. Symmetry and range limits in importance indices. Ecology & Evolution doi: 10.1002/ece3.1649.
Rysavy A., Seifan M., Sternberg M, K. Tielbörrger. 2016. Neighbour effects on shrub seedling establishment override climate change impacts. Journal of Vegetation Science 27:227-237.
Shelef O., P. Pongrac, P. Pelicon, P. Vavpetic, M. Kelemen, M. Seifan, B. Rewald, S. Rachmilevitch. 2016. Insights into root structure and function of Bassia indica: water redistribution and element dispersion. Functional Plant Biology 43:620-631.
Seifan, M., Zohar, Y., Y. Werner. 2016. Reptile distribution may identify terrestrial islands for conservation: the Levant’s ‘Arava Valley as a model. Journal of Natural History 50:2783-2801.
Qu H.C., Seifan T., M. Seifan. 2017. Effects of plant and pollinator traits on the maintenance of a food deceptive species within a plant community. Oikos 126:1815-1826.
Can’ani A., M. Seifan, V. Tzin. 2018. Indole is an essential molecule for plant interactions with herbivores and pollinators. Journal of Plant Biology and Crop Research 1:1003.
Schindler B.Y., L. Blaustein, Lotan, R, Shalom, H., Kadas G.J., M. Seifan PI. (2018) Green roof and photovoltaic panel integration: effects on Plant and arthropod diversity and electricity production. Journal of Environmental Management 225: 288-299.
Salman I.N.A., B. Schindler, H. Agra, O. Bawab, A. Friedman-Heinman, G.J. Kadas. M. Seifan, L. Blaustein. (2018). Green roof research towards enhancing urban biodiversity, storm-water retention and air pollution abatement. CAB Reviews 13 (039): 1-14.
Tzuk, O. S. R. Ujjwal, C. Fernandez-Oto, M. Seifan, E. Meron . (2019). Vegetation oscillations: the interplay between exogenous and endogenous factors. Scientific Reports 9:354 DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-36898-9.
Schindler B.Y., L. Blaustein, A. Vasl, G.J. Kadas, M. Seifan. (2019). Cooling effect of Sedum sediforme and annual plants on green roofs in Mediterranean climate. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 38: 392-396. (2 citations; IF 3.734; 8/67 Q1).
Schindler B.Y., L. Blaustein, Vasl A., Gurevich D., Kadas G.J., , M. Seifan. (2019). Fine-scale substrate heterogeneity does not affect arthropod communities on green roofs. PeerJ 7: e6445F
Levine, N., Ben-Zvi, G., M. Seifan, I. Giladi. Investment in reward by ant-dispersed plants pay off even outside their distribution hotspots. (2019). Annals of botany plants: 11(3): plz027.
Zakharova, L., K.M. Meyer, M. Seifan. (2019). Trait-based modelling in ecology: lessons from two decades of research. Ecological modelling 407: 108703
Mammola S., S. Aharon, M. Seifan, Y. Lubin, E. Gavish-Regev. Local and regional drivers of the distribution of Artema spiders based on surface and subterranean data. (2019). Diversity 11(8), 119.
Tzuk O., S.R. Ujjwal, C. Fernandez-Oto, M. Seifan, E. Meron. (2019). Period doubling as an indicator for ecosystem sensitivity to climate extremes. Scientific Reports 9: 19577
Mohiley, A., K. Tielbörger, M. Seifan, M. Gruntman. (2020). The role of biotic interactions in determining metal hyperaccumulation in plants. Functional Ecology 34: 658-668,
Ben-Zvi, M. Seifan, I. Giladi. (2020). Reduced seed dispersal at the range margin: a matter of disperser identity. Ecology & Evolution DOI: 10.1002/ece3.6220
Balyeshina, Z.S., A. Can’ani, T. Rozenberg, M. Seifan, V. Tzin. (2020) Wheat phenology and spatial position in the field determine aphid abundance. PeerJ 8:e9142
Gibson-Forty, E.V.J., K. Tielbörger, M. Seifan. (2022) Equivocal evidence for a change in balance between selfing and pollinator-mediated reproduction in annual Brassicaceae growing along a steep rainfall gradient. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 60:196-207
Lucero, J.E., M. Seifan, R.M. Callaway, C.J. Lortie. (2020) Positive associations with native shrubs are intense and important for an exotic invader but not the native annual community across an aridity gradient. Diversity and Distribution 26: 1177-1197 DOI: 10.1111/ddi.13111
Zakharova, L., K.M. Meyer, M. Seifan. (2020) Combining trait- and individual-based modelling to understand desert plant community dynamics. Ecological Modeling 434
Lortie, C, M. Zuliani., N. Ghazian, S. Haas, J. Braun, M. Owen, F. Miguel, M. Seifan, A. Filassola, J. Lucero. (2021). To much of a good thing: shrub benefactors are less important in higher diversity arid ecosystems. Journal of Ecology 109: 2047-2053 DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13596
Werner, Y.L., S.D. Shawn, D. Safford, M. Seifan and J.C. Saunders. (2005). Effects of age and size in the ears of Gekkonomorph lizards: middle-ear morphology with evolutionary implications. Anatomical Record Part A – Discoveries in Molecular, Cellular and Evolutionary Biology, 283:212-223.
Seifan, M., R. Kadmon. 2006. Indirect effects of cattle grazing on shrub spatial pattern in a Mediterranean scrub community. Basic and Applied Ecology 7: 496-506.
Brooker, R.B., Maestre F.T., Callaway R.M., Lortie C.L., Cabieres L.A., Kunstler G., Liancourt P., Tielbörger K., Travis J.M.J., Anthelme F., Armas C., Coll L., Crocket E., Delzon S., Forey E., Kikvidze Z., Olofsson J., Pugnaire F, Quiroz C.L., Saccone P., Schiffers K., Seifan M., Touzard B.,R. Michalet. 2008. Facilitation in plant communities: the past, the present and the future. Journal of Ecology 96: 18-34.
Werner, Y.L., Montgomery L.G., Seifan M., J.C. Saunders. 2008. Effects of age and size in the ears of gekkotan lizards: auditory sensitivity, its determinants and new insights into tetrapod middle-ear function. Pflugers Archivs – European Journal of Physiology 456:951-967.
Seifan M., Gilad A., Klass K., Y.L. Werner. 2009. Ontogenetically stable dimorphism in a lacertid lizard (Acanthodactylus boskianus) with tests of methodology and comments on life-history. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 97:275-288.
Werner, Y.L., Pylka J., Schneider H., Seifan M., Walkowiak W., U. Werner-Reiss. 2009. Function of the sexually dimorphic ear of the American bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana: brief review and new insight. Journal of Experimental Biology 212:2204-2214.
Seifan M. 2009. Long-term effects of anthropogenic activities on semi-arid sand dunes. Journal of Arid Environments 73:332-337.
Esfeld, K., Koch M.A., van der Niet T., Seifan M., M. Thiv. 2009 Little interspecific pollen transfer despite overlap in pollinators between sympatric Aeonium (Crassulaceae) species pairs. Flora 204: 709-717.
Seifan M., Seifan T., Ariza C., K. Tielbörger. 2010. Facilitating an importance index. Journal of Ecology 98: 356-361.
Seifan M., Tielbörger K., R. Kadmon. 2010. Direct and indirect interactions among plants explain counterintuitive positive drought effects on an eastern Mediterranean shrub species. Oikos 119:1601-1609.
Seifan M., Schloz-Murer D., Seifan T., K. Tielbörger. 2010 Contribution of molehill disturbances to grassland community composition along a productivity gradient. Acta Oecologica 36: 569-577.
Seifan M., Seifan T., Jeltsch F., K. Tielbörger. 2012. Combined disturbances and the role of their spatial and temporal properties in shaping community structure. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics (PPEES) 14:217-229.
Wantzen K.M., Couto E.G., Mund E., Amorim R.S.S., Siqueira A. Tielbörger K., M. Seifan. 2012. Soil carbon stocks in stream valley ecosystems in the Brazilian Cerrado agroscape. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 151:70-79.
Di Lellis M.A., Seifan M., S. Troschinski, C. Mazzia, Y. Capowiez, R. Triebskorn, H.R. Köhler. 2012. Solar radiation stress in climbing snails: behavioural and intrinsic features define the Hsp70 level in natural populations of Xeropicta derbentina (Pulmonata). Cell stress and Chaperones 17:717-727.
Triebskorn R, Amler A, Blaha L, Gallert C, Giebner S, Güde H, Henneberg H, Hess S, Hetzenauer H, Jedele K, Jung R-M, Kneipp S, Köhler H-R, Krais S, Kuch B, Lange C, Löffler H, Maier D, Metzger J, Müller M, Oehlmann J, Osterauer R, Peschke K, Raizner J, Rey P, Rault M, Richter D, Sacher F, Scheurer M, Schneider-Rapp J, Seifan M., Spieth M, Vogel H-J, Weyhmüller M, Winter J., K. Wurm 2013. SchussenAktivplus: reduction of micropollutants and of potentially pathogenic bacteria for further water quality improvement of the river Schussen, a tributary of Lake Constance, Germany. Environmental Sciences Europe 25:2
Köhler H-R, Schultz C, Scheil AE, Triebskorn R, Seifan M., M.A. Di Lellis 2013. Historic data analysis reveals ambient temperature as a source of phenotypic variation in populations of the land snail Theba pisana. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 109: 241-256.
Hanoteaux S., Tielbörger K., M. Seifan 2013. Effects of spatial patterns on the pollination success of a less attractive species. Oikos 122: 867-880.
Seifan M., Seifan T., Schiffers K., Jeltsch F., K. Tielbörger. 2013. Beyond the competition-colonization tradeoff – linking multiple trait response to disturbance characteristics. The American Naturalist 181:151-160.
Qu H.C., Seifan T., Tielbörger T., M. Seifan. 2013. A spatially explicit agent-based simulation platform for investigating effects of shared pollination service on ecological communities. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 37: 107-104.
Brooker R., Kikvidze Z., Kunstler G., Liancourt P., M. Seifan. 2013. The concept and measurement of importance: a comment on Rees et al. 2012. Journal of Ecology 101: 1369-1378.
Seifan, M., Hoch E.M., S. Hanoteaux, K. Tielbörger. 2014. The outcome of shared pollination services is affected by the density and spatial pattern of as attractive neighbor. Journal of Ecology 102:953-962.
Rysavy A., M. Seifan, M. Sternberg, K. Tielbörrger. 2014. Shrub seedling survival under climate change – comparing natural and experimental rainfall gradients. Journal of Arid Environments 111:14-21.
Joshi S., Gruntman M., Bilton M., Seifan M., K. Tielbörrger. 2015. A comprehensive test of evolutionarily increased competitive ability in a highly invasive plant species. Annals of Botany. 114: 1761-1768.
Seifan T., and M. Seifan. 2015. Symmetry and range limits in importance indices. Ecology & Evolution doi: 10.1002/ece3.1649.
Rysavy A., Seifan M., Sternberg M, K. Tielbörrger. 2016. Neighbour effects on shrub seedling establishment override climate change impacts. Journal of Vegetation Science 27:227-237.
Shelef O., P. Pongrac, P. Pelicon, P. Vavpetic, M. Kelemen, M. Seifan, B. Rewald, S. Rachmilevitch. 2016. Insights into root structure and function of Bassia indica: water redistribution and element dispersion. Functional Plant Biology 43:620-631.
Seifan, M., Zohar, Y., Y. Werner. 2016. Reptile distribution may identify terrestrial islands for conservation: the Levant’s ‘Arava Valley as a model. Journal of Natural History 50:2783-2801.
Qu H.C., Seifan T., M. Seifan. 2017. Effects of plant and pollinator traits on the maintenance of a food deceptive species within a plant community. Oikos 126:1815-1826.
Can’ani A., M. Seifan, V. Tzin. 2018. Indole is an essential molecule for plant interactions with herbivores and pollinators. Journal of Plant Biology and Crop Research 1:1003.
Schindler B.Y., L. Blaustein, Lotan, R, Shalom, H., Kadas G.J., M. Seifan PI. (2018) Green roof and photovoltaic panel integration: effects on Plant and arthropod diversity and electricity production. Journal of Environmental Management 225: 288-299.
Salman I.N.A., B. Schindler, H. Agra, O. Bawab, A. Friedman-Heinman, G.J. Kadas. M. Seifan, L. Blaustein. (2018). Green roof research towards enhancing urban biodiversity, storm-water retention and air pollution abatement. CAB Reviews 13 (039): 1-14.
Tzuk, O. S. R. Ujjwal, C. Fernandez-Oto, M. Seifan, E. Meron . (2019). Vegetation oscillations: the interplay between exogenous and endogenous factors. Scientific Reports 9:354 DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-36898-9.
Schindler B.Y., L. Blaustein, A. Vasl, G.J. Kadas, M. Seifan. (2019). Cooling effect of Sedum sediforme and annual plants on green roofs in Mediterranean climate. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 38: 392-396. (2 citations; IF 3.734; 8/67 Q1).
Schindler B.Y., L. Blaustein, Vasl A., Gurevich D., Kadas G.J., , M. Seifan. (2019). Fine-scale substrate heterogeneity does not affect arthropod communities on green roofs. PeerJ 7: e6445F
Levine, N., Ben-Zvi, G., M. Seifan, I. Giladi. Investment in reward by ant-dispersed plants pay off even outside their distribution hotspots. (2019). Annals of botany plants: 11(3): plz027.
Zakharova, L., K.M. Meyer, M. Seifan. (2019). Trait-based modelling in ecology: lessons from two decades of research. Ecological modelling 407: 108703
Mammola S., S. Aharon, M. Seifan, Y. Lubin, E. Gavish-Regev. Local and regional drivers of the distribution of Artema spiders based on surface and subterranean data. (2019). Diversity 11(8), 119.
Tzuk O., S.R. Ujjwal, C. Fernandez-Oto, M. Seifan, E. Meron. (2019). Period doubling as an indicator for ecosystem sensitivity to climate extremes. Scientific Reports 9: 19577
Mohiley, A., K. Tielbörger, M. Seifan, M. Gruntman. (2020). The role of biotic interactions in determining metal hyperaccumulation in plants. Functional Ecology 34: 658-668,
Ben-Zvi, M. Seifan, I. Giladi. (2020). Reduced seed dispersal at the range margin: a matter of disperser identity. Ecology & Evolution DOI: 10.1002/ece3.6220
Balyeshina, Z.S., A. Can’ani, T. Rozenberg, M. Seifan, V. Tzin. (2020) Wheat phenology and spatial position in the field determine aphid abundance. PeerJ 8:e9142
Lucero, J.E., M. Seifan, R.M. Callaway, C.J. Lortie. (2020) Positive associations with native shrubs are intense and important for an exotic invader but not the native annual community across an aridity gradient. Diversity and Distribution 26: 1177-1197 DOI: 10.1111/ddi.13111
Zakharova, L., K.M. Meyer, M. Seifan. (2020) Combining trait- and individual-based modelling to understand desert plant community dynamics. Ecological Modeling 434
Lortie, C, M. Zuliani., N. Ghazian, S. Haas, J. Braun, M. Owen, F. Miguel, M. Seifan, A. Filassola, J. Lucero. (2021). To much of a good thing: shrub benefactors are less important in higher diversity arid ecosystems. Journal of Ecology 109: 2047-2053 DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13596
Ben-Zvi, G., M. Seifan, I. Giladi. (2021). Ant guild identity determines seed fate at the post removal seed dispersal stages of a desert perennial. Insects 12:147
Gavish-Regev E., S. Aharon, I. Armiach Steinpress, M. Seifan, Y. Lubin. (2021). Local and regional drivers of the distribution of Artema spiders based on surface and subterranean data. Diversity 13: 179
Cuff J.P, S. Aharon, I. Armiach Steinpress, M. Seifan, Y. Lubin, E. Gavish-Regev. (2021). It’s all about the Zone: Spider assemblages in different ecological zones of Levantine caves. Diversity
Cna’ani A, E. Dener, E. Ben-Zeev, J. Günther, T.G. Köllner, V. Tzin, M. Seifan. (2021). Phylogeny and abiotic conditions shape the diel floral emission patterns of desert Brassicaceae species. Plant, Cell & Environment 44:2656-2671
Gibson-Forty, E.V.J., K. Tielbörger , M. Seifan . (2022) Equivocal evidence for a change in balance between selfing and pollinator-mediated reproduction in annual Brassicaceae growing along a steep rainfall gradient. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 60: 196-207 DOI: 10.1111/jse.12637
Salman I.N.A, Cna’ani A, V. Tzin, M. Seifan. (2022). Bumblebee attraction to Matthiola livida flowers is altered by combined water stress and insect herbivory. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 170:666-680
Lucero J.E. A. Filassola, R.M. Callaway, J. Braun, N. Ghazian, S. Haas, M.F. Miguel, M. Owen, M. Seifan, M. Zuliani, C.Lortie. (2022). Increasing global aridity destabilizes shrub facilitation of exotic but not native plant species. Global Ecology and Conservation 40 e02345
Seifan M. (2023). On trait variability in arid plant populations. The American Journal of Botany. e16206.
Paul S, N. Shahar, M. Seifan, S. Bar-David. (2023). An experimental design for obtaining DNA of a target species and its diet from a single non-invasive genetic protocol. Ecology & Evolution 13:e10616.
Qu, H., Heifatz, A. & M. Seifan. (2023). Batesian mimicry or general food deception? an evolutionary game between plants on pollinator services. Journal of Theoretical Biology 575:111609
Krinza, N., E. Dener & M. Seifan. (2024). Stress induces trait variability across multiple spatial scales in the arid annual plant Anastatica hierochuntica. Plants Manuscript ID: plants-2737719

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